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Cast/Staff Area

This private area for Regina Opera cast and staff is where you can view and/or download schedules
and other production information not available to the general public.

Please keep the login information secure.

Rehearsal/Performance Contact Numbers

If you’re going to be late for or absent from a rehearsal or performance, contact one of the below ASAP:

Fran Garber, Producer: 917-273-2998;
Linda Lehr, Stage Director: 917-444-2458;

Google Map and Directions for OLPH

NYC Transit Info and Trip Planner
For OLPH, enter 5902 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, as your destination

Cast Materials

The files linked below are PDF versions of the rehearsal schedule and other production materials that have already been e-mailed to you, and are provided here merely as a convenience. The latest e-mailed version will always be the official version.

You’ll need the free Adobe Reader or other PDF viewer to view these files. To download a file, right-click on the link and select Save Link (or Target). If you’re on a smartphone or tablet, you may need to press and hold the link to download the file.